CMK Energy will be a conference vendor this year at the Women & Spirituality Conference in Rochester MN. Claire Marie will be bringing the Star Gate to the conference again this year along with other products for sale!
The Star Gate is a sacred technology that can act as an accelerant for your Spiritual Growth and the expansion of Consciousness. The Star Gate can help you achieve new levels of peace, karmic resolution and healing in an effortless, gentle manner. The Orbs within the Merkabah are self-cleaning and anything released during a session goes back into pure energy with no residue or debris left behind.
SHOW- Healing Sessions in the Star Gate $75/person, 30-min session
Star Gate Sessions Can Provide:
Re-patterning on a cosmic level
Vibrational changes in & around the body
Deep cleansing of the aura
Kundalini shifts enabling improved perception
Cleansing of the chakras
From Dominus Cervix
What you might notice after a Star Gate Session:
Increased self- acceptance
Improved fluid balance & bowel movements
More color in the face & an improved energy flow
Gradual release of negative thoughts and feelings
Clearer, sharper thinking.
Great leaps forward in spirituality